Any Thoughts On Luxxle?


WOW Framer
Forum Donor
Apr 5, 2008
Washington State
A couple of years ago, we switched from Google Chrome, to DuckDuckGo.
Then, we switched to Brave. Now that they're based off Chromium, we're thinking of switching to Luxxle.
Hubby says, 'I don't think the Brave search engine manipulates the results. But, the source they're using
to get the results is Bing.' From the looks of it, Luxxle does not use Google results for it's searches.
It combines a number of others. He's not so much concerned about security, but has tried Luxxle for
a few days and is getting a better a better variety of results. Any thoughts?
Tooo manny exxes. Musst bee Mussk.

I really have no idea. Been happy on Chrome since Firefox got wonky. Don't like the "prisoner" aspect of MS browser (Hotel California Syndrome).
Same, here.
DuckDuckGo delivered fresh and varied results when compared with what Google delivered, several years ago.
Modifying the search terms generated different suggested sources.
I now have a similar sense of uniformity within the DDG results as I had with Google.
Believe it or not, there are times when the goal of an internet search is not locating an online merchant to separate me from my riches.
Sometimes, the goal is finding a little more information about a subject that piqued my curiosity.
Good luck finding that without the barnacles of advocacy attached.
Had some success on that with Luxxle in the past couple of days, so thought it worth a try.
Would you rather pay for their service or tolerate ads? After all they are a business just like a frame shop. I would rather see open naming ads as ads than secretly skewing results for payers. When looking for a product, I appreciate seeing a banner of offers across the top of results.

As for politics, that would belong in the Dogpile...
Thanks, all, for your replies. We'll report back on how it goes, and if anyone else tries it, feel free to post. :beer:
This post is the 6th item to come up on a Google search for "Luxxle sources"