Domed glass

Terry Ellis

True Grumbler
Jun 12, 1999
Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Had an old oval domed picture come in to replace broken glass, can get new glass made but does any one know if these things had any packing to support the picture? All this had was the shaped photo a thin backing card, also shaped and a paper dust cover(obviously replaced at some time)
OK. Thanks JPete.
Do you know how they shaped the photos originally and would it be possible to do easily nowdays? Beats me how they got the photos to follow the curve without stretching, tearing or wrinkling. Guess you need a press, mould and water??? or steam but would that not have damaged the photo? Would like to know what techniques the crafty old codgers used 70-80 years ago if anyone can throw some light on the matter
I have tried to find the real answer to this one for years. I have been told that the paper was made in the convex shape first by putting pulp on a pattern. After this dried, the emulsion was applied and the image exposed and developed. The camera lenses in the old days were only capable of producing a clear image in the center and the outside of the image was painted in after so distortion was not a problem.
Sorry I'm a little of the subject,but I noticed you mentioned a source of convex glass. Recently I had a customer bring in an old Crusifix that was in one of those old metal frames with the convex glass.
The only problem is that the frame is in the shape of an octagon at the top and rectangular at the bottom.It measures 11.5 in.wide by 17.5 in. tall it needs to be at least 1.25 to 1.5 inches deep.
What i need help with is does anyone know where to get custom made convex glass or can anyone tell me if this shape and size is available?I also need to know how a framer can besure that it will fit before it is made.I vaguely remember some one offering this service but it escapes me now.
Thanks Scarfinger, so I guess what your saying is that with all our technological advances we cant do it now? Bother, had a few old photos of my own that I would have liked to try it on.
About the glass Buddy I must be laughing, in little old Adelaide (Australia) I have a guy that makes it to order in the very next suburb at what I think is a reasonable price too. All I have to do is trace the outline from the frame, tell him how much dome I need and hopefully Bob's my uncle.
Making these convex photo prints is easier today than in the old days. Just make a convex pattern with plaster of paris, get some emulsion from your photo supply, and head for the dark room. Expose, develop, and get out the paint to make it look old.
Sounds like a fun break from framing. Actually you might be able to make a business out of this and sell framing too!
Convex glass can be ordered from several suppliers ( round, ovals & rectangles )
Larson-Juhl and In Line Ovals. Custom shapes
are made to order from Avery Gallery in
Marietta GA.

As I understand the porcess, the photo was printed to paper first. The fixed print was
laid wet into the convex glass to conform the shape. The print was trimed after dry. Hope
this helps!
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Do you know how they shaped the photos originally and would it be possible to do easily nowdays? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

This type of enlargement are also known as "Crayon enlargements". They were the first form of enlargement dating back to the 1860's. The image was rather weak and required the hand coloring to provide an image.

"Crayon Enlargements" can be found both flat and in the convex shape that you have asked about.

The convex enlargements were made by making a salted paper print enlargement with a solar enlarger, then forming this to the final shape.

These could also be made by using developed out prints as well.

The retouch artist would then fill in the image with a variety of medium depending on the customers wishes. Materials used included chalk, charcoal, pastels, oil and water colors, and ink.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The fixed print was
laid wet into the convex glass to conform the shape. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The enlargements were formed over wooden forms that were carved to fit the particular frame.

This also provided a "support" for the touch-up artist.

Merrill E. Grayson, CPF
Picture Perfect of Nora Corners
Indianapolis, IN