Experience with Walmart Photos and Laminate?


MGF, Master Grumble Framer
Apr 15, 2009
Waterville, ME
A customer came in this morning with two 8x10 photos she had printed out at Walmart and wanted them mounted and laminated. It's Fujifilm Crystal Archive paper, and I'm not certain if they're standard silver-halide photos or ink-jet, as I haven't set foot in a Wallyworld in well over a year, thus I don't know their photo process; the backs have the file name printed on them, but that doesn't make too much of a difference in the processing, as I understand it.

I've had epic failures with some inkjet paper in the past and want to be certain before I laminate these that these are durable enough to handle laminating.

We just did a number of Walmart prints for a local photography show. We were only dry mounting, though, no lamination. No trouble in the vaccuum press though. I have a personal photo here I could try it on first if you would like.
Wouldn't that depend on how you ordered the print? I believe that the kiosks that push out a print in 40 seconds are some type of ink.
Somehow the idea of having to try and phone Voldemart and then become connected to a human with a brain in the photo department instead of a sullen dolt.........

Good luck!
Fuji Crystal Archive is your standard RA4 silver emulsion color dye paper. It will hold up fine for dry mounting or laminating.

The instant print kiosks at Walmart ( At least most of them ) use Kodak Dye sub material and that stuff can have some issues.

DVieau2> That's exactly what I thought -- the Kodak side, that is. That's why I was a little hesitant to mount and laminate it.

Emibub> See Framar's response.

Framar> And that's exactly why I didn't call them. :D

Thanks so much for your imput! That's definitely a big help! :D
Life's too short to step inside a Walmart! I've got a quandry I am facing. Since my sis has had leukemia I help her run errands. She wants cat food from Walmart!!!!! She knows I consider it the evil empire. I just can't bring myself to go in there by myself and pay for something. I could drop her off if she were able. For now my plan is to get the food at an acceptable store and tell her "yes, I got the Walmart price". She'll go for it it while she is in the hospital. Gonna need a plan B when she gets out.........
It has been h-e-l-l Mar. It seems she will be cured of the leukemia if the chemo doesn't kill her first. She had her last round of chemo 3 weeks ago and is still in the hospital as it tries to do her in. But, the doc has told her she is close to going home and no hospital time in the forseeable future. This is good news for somebody who has been in the hospital for 14 of the last 17 weeks. She kicked leukemias A-S-S!!!!!

Sorry for the diversion........
Kathy, good news about your sister kicking a s s! Wishing her well!

As for the cat food (sorry for frankenthreading even more); start comparing prices with local supermarkets. I found that the same catfood was $2 less at my supermarket than at wallyworld. They are not as cheap as they claim to be.