Mounting How to mount money clips?

Mounting Items


Grumbler in Training
Apr 24, 2024
Dallas, TX
Sports Framing
Hi y'all! First time posting. I'm working with a customer that's wanting to frame about 50 money clips that were given as trophies for various tournaments. I've tried cutting squares in the mat to stick the spring loaded part through but it is just too tricky and I'm afraid of breaking something. They look good flush on the mat but I can't find any way to mount them with the clip on the back. Any ideas?
Welcome to the G.
Using the spring clip on the back is the safest method.
I remodeled a case I previously made for a golf club display for about the same number of tournament money clips by making hanging racks from strips of mat board that were hand covered with a suede cloth fabric. I didn't try to make individual openings in the mat for the display, especially since the client wanted to be able to add more to the display in the future.
Here's a profile diagram of a single rack.

The racks were wrapped individually with the fabric starting on the inside top and down the face, then onto the support board behind the rack below.
These were about 24" long and the case I was converting had room for 10 racks plus end pieces top and bottom. they were spaced about an inch apart vertically so you could work the clip on to the rack.

The drawing isn't proportional and the design will probably differ depending on the size of the clips. These were for 50 years of the same tournament, so the rack size was determined by the largest money clip, as the design changed over the years.

Here's a quick drawing of how the racks were positioned in relation to each other. I also remembered that I had beveled the lower edge of the lath to make a smoother transition from the face of the rack to the back.
Good luck with your project!
Another possible mounting technique would be to cut an opening the same size or slightly larger than the spring clip in the mat backer, so that the money clip's face fits flush with the mat's surface. Then, glue a strip of matboard, clear polyester film, glass, acrylic, or any other material that would extend onto the back of the mounting board on both sides of the clip. If the face of the money clip is the same size & shape as the spring clip, then this might not work...wish we had a photo of these pieces.

Money Clip Mount.jpg