I got yet another job in this week from someone having to reframe an L.E. print that was matted and framed but had no glazing, measuring 36"x30".
They usually say something like, "I didn't want the glass to interfere or obstruct my view", "It's cheaper without glass", or other reasons.
These pieces always are damaged in some way.
-Rippled or warped because of exposure to humidity changes.
-Badly faded
-Bug droppings, spider webs, pet hairs, and dust all over them.
-Marks from accidental or irresponsible contact.
-Sometimes even splashes and stains from food or drink
What is the cost savings of not glazing compared to possibly ruining or devaluing an expensive or irreplaceable piece, and also having to pay to have it restored or replaced, and re-framed years from now?
The choice is ultimately up to the customer.
As long as you make them aware of the risks, what happens to the piece while in their posession is out of your control.