As a veteran, precedence is critical if not mandatory. It's the way the ribbons were worn on uniform
quick story
Desert Storm era, mom brings in dress unform of son KIA and wanted it framed. She had a box with the ribbons, two of which were posthumously awarded. Marksmanship and a few others. He was promoted also from E4 TO E5 making him an NCO and that has different belt. She had taken everything off to send to cleaners prior to framing
Bottom line-esp Marines, there is a order and things like distance from pocket are critical. Ilooked it up and fund lotsof resources and the framers did a reallygod job. But to be certain, i called the Marine Reserve and explained the situation and he said they would send someone over. Shortly, a SgtMaj showed up full dress, white gloves real R. Lee Emery look, He took a little 6in pocket ruler out and went to work. I'm expecting a few 'maggots' responses but as he's working he's asking me about my knowledge and prior service. When done, he puts his lid on, snaps to his absolute best ATTENION and salutes me, holding his perfect form until I returned it.
I had mentioned we were comping the job for this Gold Star mom and he was aware of young man and had attended his funeral. He leaned over and whispered something like 'on behalf of the entire Marine Corp...'
Can't be sure, but ill bet at least one of us may have a really tiny tear
I'm telling you this stuff is really important; respect the protocol
They earned that respect
anybody not knowing Emery he was the actual Marine that played the DI in Full Metal Jacket. Look at the precise of ribbons/awards over pocket
this stuff is important