Tremendous Framer's Education Program January 2000

Alan Sturgess

CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Oct 30, 1998
Vancouver, BC, Canada
If you have not read your October Picture Framing Magazine I would like to alert you to the NEW West Coast Art & Frame Show & Conference in Las Vegas on January 9th to 12th , 2000.

The show is being organized and sponsored by Picture Framing Magazine. They have put together the most comprehensive and thorough educational program I have even seen in the 21 years I have been in this industry. They have gone out of their way to offer a range of sessions for beginners through to seasoned framers. The 46 different classes being offered range from beginning mat cutting to a two day session on Water Gilding. Lots of courses and lots of excellent instructors.

There is something there for everyone. Framers I have talked to say they are having a tough time making up their mind what courses and workshops to take.

You can purchase a three day, "Attend all the Seminars/Workshop Pass" for only $250.
The seminars run on the Sunday, Monday and Tuesday and the Trade Show runs on
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

If you want to keep ahead of the competition and keep more than a step ahead of the rest of your real competition, the rest of the retailers on your block or in your mall, then book your trip to Las Vegas.

We talk about supporting those promoting the Framing Industry. Here is an example of a company putting on a educational program that far exceeds anything that has ever been offered at any other ABC or PPFA show. Take a look at their offerings and give them your support.

People have been talking about a meltdown in the industry. Here is a chance for you to upgrade your own skills in technical framing areas, marketing, sales and general business and put the thoughts of a meltdown behind you.

If you want more information or a copy of their 14 page seminar/workshop brochure give them a call at their North American toll free number 1-800-969-7179

PFM's Web Site is at

Click on the West Coast Show logo and you can register for the show. You can also download the show brochure.

Alan Sturgess
Vancouver Canada.
Coincidentally, my bedtime reading last night was PFM's October issue. We're (my ex-partner and I) boo-hooing that we can't go. With all that education serving only those who can attend, is there any way to get a syllabus or better yet, a video of any of them? Isn't PPFA thinking of offering some of their courses on-line? Some of those mentioned in PFM looked really good.