Alternatives to Gesso for Water Gilding

Prospero is absolutely correct. The corner cracking is mainly due to wood shrinkage. More pertinent however is to consider the huge force gesso imparts on the wood. A thick coating of gesso on the wood will squeeze it hard as it dries and force it to shrink in all directions, so opening the corners of the frame. Underpinning and gluing might hold the frame together but to counter the shrinking force of gesso, the frame needs to be tight band-clamped with a high-quality glue such as Titebond. Do that and you shouldn't have to bother with silk on the corners.
I have read this series of answers, and need to ask a question. I have all of the items for guilding but have never used them. Now, I am painting, and want to gild on canvas over some sculpture putty with imitation sheets, knowing that the finished product needs to be sealed. The wilding would be as accents. I would like to use texture, and gild over that. Do I need to seal the putty, or just use guilding glue, then the golden sheets, then seal again?
Yes, you do need to seal the putty. What you will be doing is called 'oil-gilding' and this is where the leaf is fixed on to the surface by a thin film of adhesive oil, which then dries to a hard finish.
The best results come from using a long 3 hour oil size. This means you leave the oil to set for 3 hours before applying the leaf and you also get around 3 hours open or working time before the size dries hard.
Sealing the putty ensures the oil size is spread evenly over the surface without soaking in on random areas.
Use a shellac sealer, dilute it 50:50 with methyl alcohol, and apply two coats.

For applying the oil size, use disposable gloves and a clean cotton rag. Apply the oil size generously over the area to be gilded, then using the same brush, wring out the bristles in the cotton rag before using the brush to lift off as much of the size as possible. The aim is to create the thinnest film of size on the surface. Repeat 2 or 3 times, wringing out the brush as you go. This also prevents the size puddling in the crevices of your textured putty.

After the 3 hour drying time. lay on the leaf and use a soft brush to push it into the texture. Apply more leaf where needed.
Then leave it all overnight before painting over with a further diluted coat of sealant.