Can anyone tell me where to find this Anne Geddes work?


SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
Founding Member
Nov 23, 1997
Mandeville, LA USA
My wife has been after me for along time to find a copy of an Anne Geddes print she loves. It is a picture of a dark haired girl infant surronded in what appears to be Toilet tissue and she seems to be inspecting or pondering her own navel.
I have contacted a few suppliers and have searched a few catalogs,I have even left a few phone messages ( one even to Anne Geddes Designs) .However it has all been to avail.
I think this is an older subject and as such may be out of print.Does anyone know how I might accquire a copy?Marie and our daughter Gina and maybe even our grand-daughter Olivia will be very gratefull as will I.

[ 01-06-2005, 09:44 PM: Message edited by: BUDDY ]
Thanks Barb . That was ammazeingly quick. It is also a lot more than I had. I'll do a search with this additional information.
Check with Portal. They were the main distributor of her work.
I actually have a copy of it in puzzle form that I got a few years ago....I either got it at Wal mart or Michaels