Yes Jo, I have a Mac. I type the name in, have tried go and return but it just resets. I did get in one day, but have no idea what I did. I'm going to try again. Let you know whether I made it.
What is the error message you are receiving? Macs should have no problem getting in.

MM and Jpete "I remember it well".I also remember that my slow speed made things difficult and that is why I am hesitant to join ( my daughter can converse with multple chatters in more than one forum at the same time while I stair at tha screen in awe.LOL).

However the Topic thing was a regular and Tim would post a schedule of topics and times (Usually after shop hours) which was conduceive to more participation. However when things are slow in a given area it might be nice to have another Framer to comiserate with.LOL

But Mike you are doing a good thing ( you PC Gurus still amaze me at how you do that and run your shops) .It's just that it could be that some will utilize it instaed of post on TFG ( Tim's forum faded away and TFG is still here if you catch my point). I have already seen some topics which are more suited to personal needs and those I think are better left to a buletin board type discussion. General interest topics are what I would think would make better Chat discussions,as well as Networking and general BS about unrelated issues to the Biz.But then we all know my skills and limitations.LOL