so... what's your style??

The ruler fillet was absolutely great..and so were the floating coins..Youre the kid with his face almost outta the picture, arent you Dave?
Here is a couple examples of "my style" for my own work.
"Walker" acrylic painting about 5" ,all 16kt gold leaf frame and backround.
This is an acrylic on panel with 23kt gold leaf. The frame is metal leaf over a crackle gesso base. In this case the frame was made first as a trial then the painting done later cause I thought it would be nice to have something in it. It's about 17x17. Are there artist/framers out there? I'm sure there are. How do you frame your own work?
Terry, I am starting a 13th C style frame and substrate made from one board. this is for a class I will be presenting in the fall & winter....

Part of "the history of frames and design".

I want to "finish" only half and leave the other half raw wood... I don't paint anymore, AND I never painted icons...

Would you care to collaberate?
I don't know anything about traditional icon making. Does that matter? That piece was just me messin' around, borrowing from here and there and adding a little of my own take (about 70 hrs. worth).