VN2+1 Wonky Pressure


SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
Feb 19, 2008
Boulogne, FL
We are refurbishing a VN2+1 to have as a backup machine. We replaced the pressure regulator, main pressure gauge and various tubes and fittings. Everything works well - clamps, driver, and joins are almost perfect.

The problem is that after firing pin or two, every time, the pressure gauge goes wonky it'll runup from 60 to 100+ or sometimes down to 40 or so. So the regulator has to constantly be adjusted after each corner. Does anyone have any idea what is going on? TIA.
Maybe a stuck control valve? Do you lubricate the machine through the air intake occasionally? You might want to check out THIS related ongoing discussion.
:coffeedrinker2: Rick
We bought the machine used so we could have a spare to use as a backup and for large orders. I have no idea if the previous owner did regular lubrication but that was the first thing we did before we connected air to test it out.
Sound like you may of piped the regulator incorrectly as only one port is for the air supply, two outputs are for minor air feeds (gauge etc) and one main output for the firing of the wedge hammer.
There should be an indicator/arrow printed on the old regulator showing which way it was orientated.

Fletcher marked the air supply port , but I'll double check the connections. Thanks!