Mike Labbe

Forum Support Team
Forum Donor
Jun 25, 2002
Lincoln, RI
Get The Picture
Would there be any interest in a weekly, monthly or 24 hour/day on-line chat feature? Maybe we could have expert guest speakers(typers?) once in a while, to table questions and offer advice.

If there's enough interest, i'll bring the idea to FRAMER as a permanent thing.

If anyone wants to try it, I have a web based test system up at:

If you're a user of IRC(internet relay chat), this chat room/channel can also be accessed through mIRC or any popular irc client.


I think it would be great. What about Jay Goltz as a guess speaker.

There are alot of things I'd like to ask him.

A few of us are chatting right now on the system
I can't keep up with all the reading NOW! When do you all get your work done, I wonder???

Chats ARE fun.

If you are taking a vote, I'd prefer my speakers 'live'! But that's just moi!
I will participate one day when the Java gets installed. I think it takes longer to install then the OS.
Nice idea Mike! I just left the chat room and I think that it will be one more hangout for me! Not that I don't have enough places to check into on the net now.

I want to see how it handles about 8 Grumblers all trying to get their 2&#162 in at the same time! :cool: If a chat room hasn't ever crashed before, I'll bet we'll figure out a way!!

I went in there, and it is empty.....big echo. I hope you guys won't forget to post here on the regular G, I really prefer this format. It could be fun from time to time.....
I went over there.......saw some folks in there, but could not get it to work....its a great idea tho.....I am a paltalk user and that works really well, but could not figure out how to make this one work
Originally posted by Ron Eggers:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Emibub:
I went in there, and it is empty.....big echo.
There must be a back way out. </font>[/QUOTE]Yeah, Ron, that is what I figured. They probably saw me coming and all ran out the back way. Except Andy must have tripped over his big feet, cause he ended up talking to me. It was nice chatting with Andy...........
I was there but it changed my nickname and made me a guest. What did I do wrong?

WE had one of these live chats way back when, certain day and times. It was interesting and great for those who stay up for hours. Even the down unders participated.

BTW Ron it's only Thursday. I thought you only showed up on weekends now that you have a real job.
It was VERY well received and had a couple dozen visitors today. This may be a keeper!

To answer your questions:
a) The limit is about 3000 simultaneous chatters, which will never happen.

b) The Guest thing is because the server has a system where people can RESERVE nicknames. The nickname you chose was property of someone else, so the system changed your name to GUEST.

I look forward to meeting more people there on Friday and getting little work done

BTW Ron it's only Thursday. I thought you only showed up on weekends now that you have a real job.
You figured wrong, JPete.

Early mornings, evenings and - rarely - during breaks at work, you might find me haunting The Grumble.

Never let your guard down.
Chat room? I dunno, the thought makes me nervous.

I can see myself talking to one of you guys when a customer comes in and then have to tell him/ her to come later ‘cause I’m busy.

Besides, my spelling is so bad, I like to run it through a spill ckekker before I post.

I’d never get any work done.
What a great forum! Thank you for setting it up. I'll definitely be back on my next break.
I remember that old chat room, Jeannette. Wasn't it run by Tim ??? who also sponsored a link to the Grumble? FrameGuy or something was his nickname? and it was on too late for this petunia most of the time.
I am Chatroom Challenged. What do I do after clicking on the link?

Why's it say "Java" in "Your user name"?

What's "join channel"?
I think it would be great if we all set a time to meet there so we could talk sometime.

Like, when I was on it was lunch time and everybody was at lunch. But for me that is the best time to chat.

I still like it and think it's a great idea but I am looking forward to finding out when is the best time to catch alot of you on there.

Jennifer :D
Wow - there was an old chat room? I didn't realize that!

Rosalyn: "Java" is just a placemarker. You can put Rosalyn there if you'd like. The important one to answer is the NICKNAME field. Then you can join in to chat.

Originally posted by MerpsMom:
I remember that old chat room, Jeannette. Wasn't it run by Tim ??? who also sponsored a link to the Grumble? <font color=red>FrameGuy</font> or something was his nickname? and it was on too late for this petunia most of the time.

Lemme at 'em!! That's dangerously close to identity theft!!

(Or mistaken identity in which case that other guy is on the short end of the stick if he gets mistaken for me!)

Actually he was TheFrameGuy, TFG and it was Tim, and before you Tom. lived in State of Washington, and I think his wife worked for the big MS. He had a good web site and wanted to take over the grumble a couple times. He was one of the first grumblers. Maybe he still around under a new name....Hmmmmm

To answer the challenged, once you get in, type something in and press ENTER.

Merps you have to learn to stay up late to fulfill grandmother duties.
Cruel, Jeannette, and probably correct.
Right now, it's the getting up early that's tougher: baby girl is up at 5:00 a.m. and baby boy at 6:00, when we keep either. (I think it's because the room the crib's in gets down to about 59 at night: whaddya think?) which begs the question about turning up the heat.

All this nostalgia has me wondering once again about when the G started. I still think it's before 1995 but can't verify. Can you remember, Jeannette?

Just occurred to me this thread has Frankened. And Tom, no one could take your place!
Turn up the heat, just not too much, 65 seems better to me. I didn't mean to be cruel.

Maybe someone will have to send framer an alert so we can find out when all of this started. We got our first puter in 94. On line not too long after that. So 95 might be right. It must have been before Framer started flying and he had time for a soap box. It really was a grumble in the beginning. :D

When is the live chat going as a direct link?
I never expected this to take off with so much popularity. There were times yesterday with more than a dozen people at a time, discussing CMCs, Big Boxes, POS Systems, Pricing, Vendor comparisons, and general chit chat.

This might be a keeper

Some tips:
It is possible to "reserve" (Register) your nickname in the chat system, which means no one else can take it or impersonate you. If you wish to do this, the command is:
/msg NickServ REGISTER x y (replace x with a password of your choice, replace y with your email address)

Once you've done that, you'll have to IDENTIFY yourself to the server every time you join the system. This verifies that you are the legitimate owner of that name and will optionally increase your security level, if you have been assigned as an Operator/Moderator. (volunteers are needed for this)

If you've already registered, and need to IDENTIFY, the command is:

/msg NickServ IDENTIFY x (where x is your password, as chosen when you REGISTERed)

Note: Both of these steps are OPTIONAL, unless you are a operator/moderator.

Operators have additional commands to protect the forum including !kick, !ban, !op, !deop, !voice, !halfop, the ability to change the topic, etc.

If you haven't checked out the Livechat yet, Mike has added a more finished look to it and SPONSORS
I see a future here!

Industry related topics and volunteers for themed chat events. We can set part of one evening per week aside, dedicated to a specific topic (ie: preservation q&a, hinging methods, computer/technology related q&a, CMC cadd design q&a, specific product/vendor Q&A/tips, pricing methods, merchandising, marketing, front counter selling, attach EZ tips, FilletMaster tips, POS software tips, etc)

So far, LifeSaver Software has volunteered to host an evening sometime after the Vegas show. A date will be announced next week. Existing and potential customers may find it interesting to learn some tips, where the company/product is headed, share suggestions, and ask questions.

Any other vendors or industry leaders interested should contact me by email and we can set it up. This is no cost for the vendor or the guests.

I'd like to have a chat about Foamboard
Good one, Jerry.

For starters, I'd like to know what'll happen if I accidently throw some fomeboard scraps in the fireplace along with the mat scraps.

I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be a good thing. I'm equally sure that, sooner or later, it'll happen.

Here's a little trick you may want to try: saw up a dead tree into short lengths and throw THEM into your fireplace. They burn longer than scrap matboards and provide alot more heat.

(Man, those guys in "Cheeseland" just don't know nuttin' 'bout buildin' no good fires!!) :cool:

The chat module was experiencing a frequent problem for the past couple days (Ping Timeout Error), and was fixed earlier today. Some people couldn't get in.

Sorry about that folks.

If you want to give it another try, the link is

Give it another try. The box where you enter this is at the very bottom. You may have to scroll down to see it.

I tried to get in, but it wouldn't work. I get the java thing, asks for my nickname , I put in Nonapowers and am denied. Sigh.......
Maybe the other Jframe and Nonapowers already registered.

Keep trying. Make sure you don't leave any spaces or use any punctuation in your nickname.
If the Java logo is still in the window, it's not fully loaded and you can't type in any nickname. Wait until the logo is gone and you get a scrolling message at the bottom the the window that says, "Welcome to . . . "

I can just about guarantee if you get in there, you'll find at least Mike and Rosalyn.
I can type the name in, but nothing happens. There is no "enter" button, so I hit return and it reloads.
help! I need some framing tips on how to frame a ballball with jersey. i got the design just need to know how to mount the ball in showdowbox.
frms4, this isn't actually the live chat. This is only a discussion about the live chat, which has a link on the main Grumble page.

As for the baseball question, here are some links to previous discussions. If you click on one of these links, and a second window opens with the original post, just close that window to return here and open the next one.

If the link opens a window that replaces this one, use your "back" button in your browser to return here.

Good luck.;f=1;t=007980;f=1;t=007670;f=1;t=006907
If anyone has a problem getting into the chat, here's an alternative way in. This version connects to the same place, but has many of the optional features removed. If you're using a dialup modem to access the internet, and having a speed issue getting through - give this link a try and let me know if it helps.

Alternate "lite" Link:

Full featured Link:

Best Regards